Are you ready to get in the best shape of your life,

without the fad diets, endless cardio

and money-wasting?

Then you are in the right place.


is DESIGNED and PROVEN to get you the results you are looking for in the most efficient way possible… without cutting out major food groups… or having to do hours of cardio.

I have over 25 years of training experience and have facilitated hundreds of transformations.

AND THE BEST PART, I give YOU the TOOLS to maintain your dream body for the rest of your life.

Guided Step By Step

Whether you are starting from scratch, keep falling back to old habits, or if you feel as though you can’t break through a plateau, I have a tried and tested solution for you.

I work to improve your mindset, become more flexible, lose frustrating body fat and add lean mass… all while keeping you healthy.

Remember growing up during the first 5 years of your life when your parents helped you brush your teeth, every time. Fast forward to when you reached your teens and your parents no longer helped you do it, rather it had become second nature to you. Similarly, this program will follow the same cycle where I will teach you new habits and skills that will become second nature to you over time.


Join My 120 Days Customized Training

and Nutritional Program

Proven program to start transforming your body FAST, while ENJOYING LIFE and the foods you like, and KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF long term.


Here is what other clients have to say about working with me:

Growing up, I was always involved in sports. I played as a winger for Floriana FC in the Premier league during my teens and twenties. Later, I took up competitive middle-distance running. In my thirties, I transitioned to gym workouts to gain muscle. Despite my dedication, I struggled with nutrition.

That changed when I consulted Mirror Friendly. Under Andrew's guidance, I underwent a 4-month transformation. I went from 78kg to 68kg with a tailored nutrition and training plan, losing minimal muscle. Andrew taught me flexible dieting, helping me balance my nutrition with my busy life.

For a number of years I used to be a heavy smoker and led an unhealthy lifestyle, but after starting running and completing my first Half Marathon, I decided to become a healthy athlete.

However, without the right knowledge it was a struggle to create healthy habits, especially with my weight reflecting in my running results.

I reached out to Mirror Friendly
and with a tailor-made nutrition plan supplemented by the accountability provided by Andrew I lost 13kg and finally became the healthy athlete I wanted to be.

As a child, I was always overweight and loved food, but deep down I wasn't happy with how I looked.

As I grew older, I became more health-conscious and played sports to get the rush I used to get from binging out, but after a hernia operation and bad dieting, my weight shot up to 112kg and I needed motivation to start training and eating clean again.

I reached out to Andrew from Mirror Friendly for help, and through his coaching, I not only reached my goal weight of 102kg but surpassed it, adopting a balanced lifestyle that I love and know I won't relapse from.

Prior to reaching out to Andrew I used to go through successive bouts of yo-yo dieting where I used to drop weight through intense periods of calorie restriction only to gain the weight back up as soon as I resumed my random eating habits.

Once I had grown tired of this vicious cycle I asked Andrew for help. After answering his questionnaire Andrew started off by identifying those small changes in my habits which I could seamlessly implement in my lifestyle to trigger the progress which I started to experience literally from the start.

Once I had gained momentum Andrew set me on a number of calories which I not only learned to track via app but also gave me a new perspective into flexible sustainable nutrition through which I managed to comfortably remain within a steady weight range through the year.

Another 10kg of fat, written off in history. I had been following Andrew for a while on his Facebook page and when I was going through his website I came across his eye-opening testimonials and I was soon compelled to reach out.

After the initial consultation Andrew prepared a nutrition plan and explained how to incorporate it in my routine. Not only did I manage to quickly fit the plan within my hectic lifestyle, but results also started to appear early on which was very handy in staying on track. Nowadays I feel more energised and happy in my own skin. Can't thank Andrew enough!

I had been training at the gym since I was 17, but after taking a year off to travel I lost my shape.

I recall how I had become friends with Andrew at a gym in Melbourne, Australia (where he was reading his PT course) and after becoming aware of his first-hand experience in fitness and seeing how he looked I decided to seek his professional help with nutrition.

With Andrew's guidance backed by a training program and a nutrition plan I managed to shed 10kg of body fat and achieved the best shape of my life.

I started visiting the gym regularly at the age of 15 but was never keen on maintaining a proper diet.

After stumbling upon the Mirror Friendly
Facebook page on Facebook I decided to get acquainted with Andrew. Following an initial consultation, I decided to sign up to his 1-to-1 online coaching services.

In the process he not only helped me transform my body in a sustainable and natural way that made me look and feel better than ever before but also changed my whole perspective towards healthy living.

Nowadays I continue to apply the knowledge I learned from Andrew in my daily routine.

Growing up I never really had issues with my body but as I approached 40 my waistline started to gradually creep up and couldn't really find a way to trim it down. I had been following Andrew's posts on his social media pages for a while until one day I decided to send him a message to ask for help.

Not being fond of the gym environment Andrew tailored a training program which I could perform from home using my body weight and basic equipment which he suggested I buy. He also tailored an intuitive nutrition plan with the right flexibility for me not to get bored, given I like variety in my meals.

Long story short I managed to gradually lose almost 10 kg in 6 months which I have seamlessly kept off since. Apart from that I now feel healthier than ever before, both mentally and physically.

I can finally say with conviction that I am committed to a healthier lifestyle and a holistic wellbeing.

I had been working out for years but I couldn't achieve the changes in body composition that I was after. After being tipped by a friend of mine who was following
Andrew for some years I booked a consultation with him.

Andrew prepared a sustainable nutrition plan tailored to my hectic weekly schedule, which within a couple of weeks had me start dropping body fat from around my belly while keeping my appetite under control.

The latter has proved to be a game changer for me in being able to remain lean long-term as prior to working with Andrew I was ill convinced that losing fat was synonymous to being able to control hunger.

I also found the periodic progress check-ins with Andrew to be very effective at helping me remain accountable and on track.

At 23 I was overweight, my confidence was low and wasn't a happy guy. Having convinced myself that in order to lose weight I needed to put in the effort, I joined a gym where I met a bunch of helpful people and started weight training.

Within a year I managed to shed lots of body fat, dropping to 65kg though in the process I felt I had lost quite a lot of muscle. It was then that I reached out to

Mirror Friendly.

Andrew set me up with a customized training and nutrition plan which first focused on growing muscle through a calorie surplus followed by a shredding diet where I reached the best shape of my life at 61kg, all without the aid of doping or fat burners. I consider my biggest achievement to be the fact that since then I have managed to stay lean while following Andrew's balanced system as part of my healthy weekly routine.

Thanks to Andrew's coaching I have managed to not only go down from 93kg to 75kg, but also gained lean muscle and considerable self-confidence in the process.

I've managed to achieve this gradually over a span of 12 months, without reverting to any extreme measures such as starvation. Instead, Andrew identified a number of small changes which I started applying consistently over time.

I really enjoyed working with Andrew not only because he is a competent coach but also because he is passionate about his job and loves helping people like me.

I had been pondering to compete
at a physique contest for many years but due to being a policeman with an irregular day/night schedule I always considered it a mountain too big to climb.

That is until I started following Andrew whom through his blog I noticed that he was consistently in shape despite his busy lifestyle with frequent traveling.

After a 1-to-1 consultation Andrew sent me a 12-week training and clean bulk nutrition plan, followed by a 12-week contest prep nutrition plan which finally led me to stepping on stage for the first time in my life, an experience I will never forget.

Nowadays I continue applying the knowledge I gained from working with Andrew in staying in shape throughout the year.

JOIN MY 120 Days

Customized Training and Nutrition Program

PROVEN program to transform your Body FAST, while eating the foods you love, and KEEPING THE WEIGHT OFF long term.



So many plans online are built around cutting calories, restricting carbs or other major food groups, and feeding our desire for unreasonable results. Why do you think so many people lose weight just to gain it all back?The reason is that when you cut your calories severely, you’ll lose weight on the front end, but then you’ll start to experience lower energy, a decreased metabolism, loss of lean mass, trouble sleeping, lack of motivation… the list goes on.

At that point, you break, and due to your hampered metabolism, even when you return to a normal eating pattern, you’ll gain all of the weight back.I work to actually increase your intake over time paired with an efficient training program in order to metabolically scale you week over week. This will allow you to add lean mass, drop body fat, and put you on the best path to succeed long term.


You are paying for years of expertise responsible for hundreds of transformations. I will get you to your goals in the most efficient way possible, aiming to determine the easiest of changes that you can apply in your daily routine to trigger the biggest results. I won’t have you doing hours of cardio per day, wasting your time, effort and money. I also won’t have you starve, rather you will eat more, feel fulfilled and at the same time you will see the results you’re after.


My coaching is all about teaching you the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ of your program so you can maintain your results long beyond the scope of your time with me. I have a full learning portal, coaching calls, online access to support any time you need it, and much more for you to continue to understand what’s really going to drive your results long-term.


My 24-hour coaching access gives you the opportunity to reach out whenever you have questions, issues, or just need guidance. The program also comes with progress check ins so you can get valuable feedback and direction to help you reach your goals.

Andrew Farrugia

I am Andrew Farrugia, born and raised in Malta since November 1984. Apart from being founder of, I am a qualified accountant by profession and working full-time in senior management and directorship for an international group of companies. Fitness and healthy living are the biggest passions of my life, followed closely by travel.

My sporting career started at the age of 7. From then until the age of 24 I grew up as a competitive sprinter, running the 100 metres both in Malta and abroad. Through the years I won consecutive national championships across the various age categories, setting a national record in the Youth 100m along the way. I also represented Malta in several international events including the World and European Youth Championships.

As a senior I took my 100 metres personal best to 10.87 seconds and made it to the 4x100m national relay team. However, several recurring lengthy injuries gradually forced me out of the sport that by then had shaped me for life. In fact I had to take a hard-fought decision to quit sprinting and totally devote myself to something which had been burning at the back of my mind (since my early teens when as part of athletics training I started performing bi-weekly gym sessions); i.e. building the most muscular and lean physique possible without the use of steroids or doping and in a healthy and sustainable way.

This triggered my desire to dig deeply into literature on bodybuilding, nutrition and longevity, where the more I dug deep the more I learned that building your best body and maintaining it long-term is not only dependant on lifting weights, but heavily related to holistic healthy living including proper nutrition, sufficient rest, quality sleep and a stress-proof mindset.

While accumulating this knowledge I was keen at putting it into practice through my weekly routine, making sure I left nothing behind in chasing my goal. For the past 14 years I have therefore been working out at the gym religiously with the same discipline and frequency I followed as a sprinter, training 6 days a week, in the evening after work. In the process I have also experimented with various nutritional protocols and ultimately confirmed that the calories in vs calories out formula is an inescapable rule. I am deeply convinced that in managing body composition one needs to first and foremost get this formula right.

Not too long after my transition from athletics to fitness I enrolled to my first bodybuilding contest at the age of 25. Fast forward to today and along the way I won 4 national titles in the IFBB Men’s Physique (sub 1m70 category) and twice placed in the top 10 at the IFBB European Championships.

At the end of 2013 I launched and the related pages on Facebook and Instagram on the back of a number of years during which my network of friends had been showing support and interest in my sporting journey. Through these platforms I have been sharing my journey through healthy living while educating and inspiring people from different spheres of life, regardless of their fitness level. I also seek to raise awareness in my country which unfortunately has always been stigmatized with obesity and lack of recognition when it comes to anything sport-related.

Encouraged by the positive response received within the first months from launching my blog, in 2015 I spent a sabbatical year in Melbourne, Australia, where I became qualified as a Personal Trainer at the Australian Institute of Fitness and the Personal Training Academy. While there I also had the opportunity to satisfy my wanderlust as I explored the rest of Australia, New Zealand and Asia, before returning to Malta where I resumed my career in the corporate world.

Concurrently I launched my online coaching service on my website where I have been offering customised training and nutrition services, with the help of Martina, who is a qualified dietician, in mentoring my clients towards living their best lives in a body they love.